Introduction to U.S. Wildlife Law & Policy

from $500.00

Course Formats (see details below):
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  • This course provides a thorough introduction to wildlife policy in the United States. First, students will learn about the motivations behind policy, who creates policy, and why policy is important for wildlife biologists and scientists. Students will also learn about how policy is implemented and enforced in practice and about the different agencies involved. The course also covers several specific wildlife policies that are influential in the United States, including The Lacey Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, and others. Throughout the course, we will discuss how these policies influence wildlife management initiatives and vice versa. Students will be asked to think critically and discuss their thoughts in a number of discussion board posts and complete quizzes to gauge their understanding of the material.

    Dates: Learn at your own pace from January 6th to March 23rd

  • Winter term: Learn at your own pace from January 6th to March 23rd

  • No prerequisites are required for this course.

  • Module 1: The Basics of Wildlife Policy

    • Describe the levels of government involvement in U.S. wildlife policy.

    • Differentiate between types of laws and policies.

    • Assess the motivations behind a wildlife policy and how this guides the output.

    Module 2: Fish and Game Agencies in the United States

    • Describe the different actors and their missions/responsibilities as it relates to wildlife policy.

    • Determine which actors are involved in different situations and why.

    • Assess the limitations of agency involvement in policy.

    Module 3: Early Wildlife Policy

    • Describe the Lacey Act and its purpose.

    • Explain the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the actors involved.

    • Describe the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and assess its effectiveness.

    Module 4: Endangered Species Act

    • Determine whether a species warrants listing or de-listing from the ESA

    • Assess critical habitat designations

    • Describe few of the lesser known ESA species in the United States

    Module 5: Marine Life

    • Describe the purpose of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the species it covers, and the actors involved

    • Explain the purpose Magunson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), how it originated, and what protections it offers species.

COURSE OPTIONS & INFORMATION (Review chart above, then click below)


    • 3 months of access to course materials as you work at your own pace 

    • Get instructor support for the 3-month term via email, discussion threads, group meetings, and one-on-one appointments

    • After working through the course materials, set up an optional meeting with the instructor to discuss your own personal project from work or school



    • 12 months of access to course materials as you work at your own pace 

    • Get instructor support for the 3-month term via email, discussion threads, group meetings, and one-on-one appointments

    • After working through the course materials, set up an optional meeting with the instructor to discuss your own personal project from work or school





Dr. Michelle Benedum

Policy Analyst and Consultation Biologist



Full scholarships are available to participants from countries designated as “lower income” and “lower middle income” in the World Bank List of Economies. Please see our CWS World Scholars Program page for details.


Cancellations 30 days or more before the start date are not subject to cancellation fees. Cancellations <30 days before the start date are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds once the course begins.