Dr. Andrew Bridges
Instructor, Center for Wildlife Studies
President & CEO, Nemours Wildlife Foundation
Ph.D. Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
M.S. Wildlife and Fisheries Science, Texas A&M University
Email: bridges@iws.org
Andrew is a wildlife biologist who has worked for over 20 years as a wildlife conservation and management research scientist focusing on projects throughout North America. In addition to facilitation and planning skills, he brings real-world fieldwork, science, and project management experience to his teams and projects.
Andrew has been involved with Open Standards conservation planning since 2013, and become a Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet) Conservation Coach in 2016. Since that time, Andrew has instructed workshops teaching Open Standards principles in the North America, South America, and Asia, and in 2019 assisted in training a new cohort of CCNet Coaches. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed research papers and has presented at professional conferences around the world. He is the Co-Leader for the CCNet North American Western North American Franchise, a member of the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group, and is currently leading Open Standards conservation planning and implementation efforts on the California Channel Islands.
Open Standards in the Practice of Conservation
Meiman, Susan T., Emma E. DeLeon, and Andrew S. Bridges. 2020. Reproductive success of the threatened San Clemente Bell’s Sparrow on a recovering landscape: implications formanagement and monitoring. The Condor. In Press.
Parsons, Mitchel. A., Andrew S. Bridges, Daniel S. Biteman, and David K. Garcelon. 2019. Precipitation and prey abundance influence food habits of an invasive carnivore. Animal Conservation. 10.1111/acv.12510.
Bridges, Andrew S., Jessica N. Sanchez, and Daniel S. Biteman. 2015. Spatial ecology of invasive feral cats on San Clemente Island: implications for control and management. Journal of Mammalogy 96:81–89
Bridges, Andrew S., Daniel S. Biteman, Emma E. DeLeon, Brian E. Cross. 2015. ThreatenedSan Clemente Bell’s sparrow nest predated by island night lizard. Western North American Naturalist 75:248–249.
Higgins, Taylor W., Andrew S. Bridges, and Jessica N. Sanchez. 2015. Spatial ecology of invasive black rats (Rattus rattus) on San Clemente Island, California. Southwestern Naturalist 60:186–192.
Bridges, Andrew S., and Andrew Noss. 2011. Behavior and Activity. Pages 57–69 in Allan F.O’Connell, Jr., James D. Nichols, and Ulas K. Karanth, editors. Camera Traps in Animal Ecology: Methods and Analyses. Springer Press Inc, Tokyo, Japan.
Bridges, Andrew S., Michael R. Vaughan, and Josephine A. Fox. 2011. Reproductive ecology of American black bears in the Alleghany Mountains of Virginia, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 75: 1137–1144.
Bridges, Andrew S., Michael R. Vaughan, and Josephine A. Fox. 2011. American black bear estrus and parturition in Virginia. Ursus 22: 1–8.
Bridges, Andrew S., Michael R. Vaughan, and Sybille A. Klenzendorf. 2004. Seasonal variation in American black bear activity patterns: quantification via remote photography. Wildlife Biology 10:177–184.
Bridges, Andrew S., Josephine A. Fox, Colleen Olfenbuttel, and Michael R. Vaughan. 2004. American black bear denning behavior: observations and applications using remote photography. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:183–187.
Bridges, Andrew S., Colleen Olfenbuttel, and Michael R. Vaughan. 2002. A mixed regression model to estimate black bear cub age. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:1253–1258.
Bridges, Andrew S., Markus J. Peterson, Nova J. Silvy, Fred E. Smeins, and X. Ben Wu. 2001. Differential influence of weather on regional quail abundance in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:10–18.
Bridges, Andrew S., and Michael E. Dorcas. 2000. Temporal variation in anuran calling behavior: implications for surveys and monitoring programs. Copeia 2000:587–592.
See a full list of his publications at IWS